Today we will take a look at a game that is on Target stores near you offering a unique look into the party game world that has been gaining in popularity. We will see how this game plays out and what other games you may like that would lean into this one. It’s time to take a look at Snakesss!
Snakesss is published by Big Potato Games. It plays 4-8 players in approximately 45-60 mins.
In Snakesss players compete to collect points over six rounds. Players will either take the role of a snake or human as they try to guess a correct answer or get others to choose the wrong answer.

Each player begins with a set of chips marked A, B, C or snake. Then the character tokens are determined based on the number of players. For example in a six player game the character tokens are 2 humans, 3 snakes and 1 mongoose of truth.
Each character token is shuffled and dealt to each player face down. Once all players have checked who they are the Mongoose of truth reveals themself. The wooden figure is placed in front of you of the mongoose. This person is a known non-snake now, so you know you can trust them.

Now the moderator will read the trivia question and the 3 possible answers. Then the players all follow this order:
-Everyone closes their eyes
-Snakes open their eyes and look at the answer to the question
-Snakes close their eyes
-Question card is flipped back over and everyone opens their eyes

Now enters the time of discussion. The snakes now know the correct answer and who the other snakes are. A two minute timer is set and discussion begins. The humans are trying to determine the right answer but beware-there are snakes around the table trying to get you to guess the wrong answer!
At the end of two minutes players must now decide which answer they think is correct. They pick the chip for the answer they think is right and place it face down in front of them, and the snakes pick the snake chip. Then the correct answer is revealed on the card and everyone shows their role.

Humans who got the answer right get a point for every non-snake who got it right. Humans who get the answer wrong get no points. Snakes get a point for every player who got the answer wrong.
Each player’s score is jotted down and then the character tokens are shuffled for the next round. This is repeated for six rounds, then you add up all the scores and see who won!
Snakesss is a new party game in a sea of many different games fighting for your attention in that arena. We often find ourselves starting with a party game or two or winding down with them to finish the night. Snakesss is a familiar game in that it has elements of other party games we enjoy while mixing them in a different way.

The thing that is different with Snakesss is that it takes the trivia game and smashes it together with a hidden role game like werewolf. I normally don’t love hidden role games because it is a lot of arguing about who is a traitor, who is a liar, who is a werewolf, on and on. I don’t love that part of these social deduction games. But I do like trivia and I like that the two minutes of discussion were as focused on the trivia and the right answer as they were on who was a liar and who wasn’t. The mongoose is a fun role also and it is even funnier when often times the player had no idea of the right answer.
Overall Snakesss is a simple and easy to play experience which is a requirement for any party game that hits my table. It kept all players engaged and didn’t overstay its welcome on the table. I would recommend this to anyone who loves a good trivia game that plays quick and enjoys social deduction styles games as well. Get this one to your table and see who comes out on top!
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