Game Review: The Great Cake Escape

Who doesn’t love a good cake? As cooks at the local bakery it is our job to make delicious treats for all our customers. But what if we could make a little extra dough by serving the customers at the prison? Today we will explore a game that looks at that idea and see if we can smuggle some contraband in a cake without getting caught by the guards!

The Great Cake Escape is designed by Jay Treat with art by Alexandr Nikiforov. It is published by Wizkids for 2-4 players.


Each player chooses their 11 contraband pieces in their color. The cake is assembled and placed in the middle of the table.

Each turn a player chooses one of their unused pieces and pushes it into one of the two cake tiers. Whatever angle you push it in you must continue, you cannot wiggle or change the direction while you’re pushing it into the cake. If you remove any pieces from them being knocked out set them aside, they will not score.

The game will continue clockwise as players attempt to sneak more of their contraband into the cake. Once all players are out of pieces th game ends. If a disguise is knocked out that player can pick one of their other pieces that was knocked out previously to place back in the cake.

Once the game ends the guards will inspect each layer of the cake. Whichever piece has the most visible value numbers showing is considered caught and is removed.

All the other pieces in the cake are now ready moved and scored. Add all the values together and the highest score is the winner!


The Great Cake Escape is a fun family weight game that we have enjoyed getting to the table. It has a beautiful table presence in the size and stature of the cake. I love a good 3D game board and this one really stands out on the table. The art is fun and light in the design of the cake and I especially like the contraband art as the weapons all look pretty cool.

The game is simple to understand and one that everyone who plays it is likely to pick up very quickly. There is an aspect of honesty necessary here as you must push a piece in the same direction the whole time and not change your angle. This makes it a press your luck in some of the ways you can move the pieces in and hope things will move around. You’ll be suprised at how much bad stuff you can fit in this cake!

Overall this is a fun game that is light on difficulty but full of fun. You’ll really enjoy playing this one especially with family members who may not be into games as much as it has an easy entry for learning. So if you are looking for a light game with a fun theme and cool table presence order up a big slice of The Great Cake Escape soon for your next game night!

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