Game Review: Back To The Future: Dice Through Time
Time Travel. You had me at Time Travel. That’s really all it takes to be honest. If the movie or book or game has time travel, I’m ALL IN. Back to the Future has it, […]
Time Travel. You had me at Time Travel. That’s really all it takes to be honest. If the movie or book or game has time travel, I’m ALL IN. Back to the Future has it, […]
One of my many character flaws is gluttony. When I find a game, podcast, or author I like, I want all the things. If there is content available, I want to consume it. I want […]
Have you dreamed of conquering space? Bending the planets to your will, making them habitable for your life and yours alone? Have you considered the cost? How it might break down your economy, ruin your supply lines, and stretch your empire too thin? But what about the gains? That sweet, sweet technology just waiting to be discovered. […]
It’s been about 10 months since I’ve written a game review. A lot of games have come out in that time, but none that have jumped into my “Top 9 Games” list as quickly as […]
Let’s get one thing out of the way really quick – I’m not a “pro reviewer.” I don’t know all of the specific terms for mechanisms, I make mistakes with the rules when I play […]
A few months ago, I posted a primer for the Chrono Clash System from Bandai. The first set featured Naruto, but I was mostly excited for the Godzilla set. Well, it’s here! I have it […]
I’ve got a group of friends with whom I’ve played poker semi-regularly for going on 20 years. Some of the stories of epic hands or games have taken on a life of their own. There […]
I’ve been a Power Rangers fan since I was 6 years old, watching the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers after school. I grew out of Power Rangers a few years later, and thought the fandom […]
This game has everything from dice chucking to asymmetric player powers to Chicken Dance Parties! […]
Years ago, I met Steve Resk through a mutual friend. Steve created SRG and the pro wrestling card game, The Supershow. Every convention I went to, I’d tell him that I would play in a […]
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