It’s full speed ahead on the pirate ship! Let’s get the crew together and man the ship-you the Pirate Captain and your group are set to sail the seven seas in search of all the gold you can find. Let’s take a look at a new game that lets you be the Captain in this adventure!
Captain Flip is a new game from Paolo Mori and Remo Conzadori, illustrated by Jonathan Aucomte. It is published by PlayPunk and is for 2-4 players.

In Captain Flip players play as Pirate Captains, attempting to recruit a crew and collect coins based on your placement and choices of crew members. The Captain with the most points wins!
Players begin by picking one of the four ships and making sure everyone is on the same side of the board. All character tiles are placed in the bag and the coins and map are placed within reach.
Starting with the first player, players will begin by selecting one of the tiles from the bag while only looking at one of the sides. After determining the action of the tile players must decide to keep it on that side and place it or flip it and then they must use the other side.

Some of the effects are immediate and some are end of game effects. When placing a crew member they must go in the bottom of a column anywhere on your ship. The immediate effects occur, giving players a chance to score coins or other in-game effects.
Play continues around clockwise until someone fills their 4th column on their ship. This signals the final round where all players get a turn to full player count.
Endgame effects are applied and then all coins are counted up. The player with the most coins is the winner!

This game is so easy to learn and quick to play which is by far its strongest feature. We have played this with our friends and family members and each of them really loved it. The instruction is quick and easy for everyone to follow, even our youngest players have enjoyed how it works and how smooth it plays.
I really enjoyed the rhythm of this game and how well it plays with all of our friends. It doesn’t overstay its welcome on the table and when we play it most people are looking to play it one more time to try one of the other ships.

The push your luck part of it is there but not super punishing. You can decide to flip a tile and almost always it isn’t going to be a bad result but there are a few cases it could be not as great. Kids pick up on that as well, giving them opportunities to make a best decision while looking over the options available to them.
Overall this has been a blast to play and one I definitely will be keeping in my collection for quite some time. So get ready to set sail and Captain your own ship in Captain Flip!
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