Sometimes you want to play a game that is deep and difficult, full of challenging decisions and moves that make your brain melt and your analysis paralysis meter spike. But sometimes, sometimes you just want to play a light game that pits friends against friends and makes relationships bend just a little (or maybe a lot!) Let’s take a look at a game that can do just that!
I’m the Boss is designed by Sid Sackson for 3-6 players. It plays in approximately 60 mins. We are looking at the newest published version from Eagle Gryphon Games.
In I’m the Boss you are the leader of one of six major investor teams. Your goal is to be the Boss and close deals worth millions with the other bosses around the table. But when there are multiple people involved deals can get crazy! At the end of the game the player with the most money wins!
Each player will randomly take one of the Investor cards and leftovers are placed to the side. Then everyone gets 5 face-down cards for their starting hand. Lock in the deals from #1 on top to #15 at the bottom to create the stack that you will draw from when it is time.
On your turn players will have the choice of either taking a deal where they are or roll the die and move that number of spaces to a new location. At the new space you can attempt to make a deal or draw three cards from the deck to end your turn. Play then passes to the left to the next player.
When you say on your turn “Let’s make a deal!” the action really starts for this game! The player that is attempting to make a deal is using the space they are on to determine the number and specific investor teams they need to complete a deal. Any investor cards you have count towards the total but you may need to bring in other teams of investors based on placards they have or card they can play. Once a deal is struck all players can choose to interfere or participate in the process. Influence cards like Travel cards, recruitment cards, boss cards and stop cards can change who is in the deal, who’s the boss and can even stop the changes from happening.
No matter who the boss as soon as you have the right combo of investors and the money has been determined on who and how it will be split up, you can give a “going once, going twice-done!” to close it off. All played cards are discarded and it moves to the next player to start a different deal or draw some more cards into their arsenal to be ready for the next deal that will be struck!
After the tenth deal the new deal cards will have a “game ends on a dice roll of X” progressively adding more dice faces to push the end. Once the game ends everyone counts their money and the player with the most money left of the table wins!
I’m The Boss! is the negotiation game that takes civil trading and bartering and throws it out the window in favor for more cutthroat and aggressive moves. I don’t say that in a light way, this game is not for the faint-hearted and is one that you will love if confrontation is in your wheelhouse. If you are looking for a head to head, super interactive take-that type of game, this is going to be your jam.
The deals that need to be made get increasingly more valuable meaning that being left out of them really feels bad as the game progresses so you want to make sure to get in where you can. Also you want to make sure that others can’t make deals so you are constantly trying to make deals, break deals and make temporary alliances around the table. The game lends itself into promises that are easily fulfilled or broken based on how you follow-through.
The speed of the game is significant-it is as much a real time game that all players must be on for the whole time. As soon as a player’s turn starts deals can be made so if you are distracted away you may miss out! That being said it is definitely a game that will force everyone to pay attention and interact the entire time which I love in any type of game.
This may not be the best game for younger players, but that being said it is a game younger player will be able to understand. The variants listed in the rulebook can help with making the game a little less cutthroat as well. A lot of that will depend on how your younger players do with games like Munchkin or other take-that style games.
Overall I’m the Boss! is a great game for players looking to have some fun head-to-head action with each other and negotiate the night away. Be cunning and make great deals but be careful not to be too cutthroat so you aren’t left on the outside looking in! This game will be a staple for us with certain groups and will remain in my collection for a long time!
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