In 9th Circle players are in control on their own group of Minions to attempt to control various realms that will help you gain favor with Malacoda. Gain more favor, gain more power. When any demon reaches 25 favor Malacoda is pleased and the player with the most favor at the end of that round wins!
The game is setup with a modular board where 8 realms are selected and placed at random around the 9th circle middle of the board. Each player takes a color and all of the pieces that go with it. They also take a player shield and planning board in front of them. Minions start with the player based on player count.
The game is played in four phases as follows:
Phase 1: Reinforce and Move
Phase 2: Determine Realm Dominance
Phase 3: Use Realm Powers
Phase 4: Score
Let’s take a look at what happens in each phase.
In Phase 1: Reinforce and Move, players will send their minions onto the board by placing them secretly on your planning board first. You can also place movement tokens on your planning board to determine where minons will move to from one realm to another.
Phase 2: Determine Realm Dominance happens after all minions have been placed and moved on the board. Starting with where Malacoda is players will look for single dominance and put their Shade in that space. If there is a tie for first, the next one down will take the space. Gain control and keep control until someone takes it from you.
Phase 3: Use Realms Powers. Starting with the realm where Malacoda is currently residing, the player who has control of the realm executes the power of the realm. You must use the power and as demons gain favor their power increases.
Phase 4: Score. Minions in the 9th circle are sacrificed and in turn you gain more favor from Malacoda. For each realm you control, gain one favor. For the player controlling the space where Malacoda is you gain his respect and take more favor. Finally players will be able to gain more minions based on their current favor ranking, giving more players minions if they are further behind and less if they are further ahead.
To finish the round Malacoda moves clockwise one realm clockwise and then rotate the first player marker. Then the next round starts and each phase is played through again. The game concludes once a players has 25 favor or if Malacoda returns to realm A.
If you enjoy area control in board games, this is right up your alley. It does it in a fun and different way, adding in the blind bid and placement of your minions adds some real suspense in where and when players will move to areas. I love blind bidding in a game and found ways to psyche out my opponent and we all really got into that “evil” theme of playing a game that takes on others and tries to take over a realm. For player interaction you have a great d
I liked seeing the move in a direction that helps players who are behind, giving them more minions at the end of each round and a chance to catch up to other players. Sometimes these types of games feel unfair and uneven but this catch-up mechanism really did feel good throughout.
This game has special rules for two players but it really shines when there are more players, and at that 4 to 5 player count it is a cross section of player interaction and fun that we really enjoyed. The different player counts definitely creates a new game each time and the modular board will do the same as well, giving you a different experience with the layout each time. T
Finally the production is great in this copy we received. They did a great job with the design and style of this one from the rulebook all the way to the game board and minis themselves. The game looks good on the table and you can tell the attention to detail was definitely put in here.
Overall 9th Circle is a great new entry into area control that is worth taking a closer look at if you enjoy this style of game. R&R Games has put together a new adventure for you and your next gaming night that is bound to excite your imagination and competitiveness as you fight to take control of the realms!
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