A good mystery is bound to keep everyone engaged and on their toes. And when I think of a good mystery, I always go right to the best of the best in the detective department. And this time, I don’t mean the Caped Crusader-instead we are going right to the world’s greatest detective. Let’s take a look at a new game featuring that very man!

Sherlock Case Connection is published by Lucky Duck Games and is for 2-4 players. It is designed by Radoslaw Ignato. It plays in approximately 30 mins.
In Sherlock Case Connection players will obtain tokens and cards from crime scenes and try to reconstruct them into leads that will point you towards a solution. The more you complete, the more points and bonuses you can obtain to try to become the best investigator at the table!

The game is first set up with four locations each with a combination of Proof Tokens and Thread Cards. These all have a combination of different tokens thar represent Forensic, Witness and Cyber evidence. Each player begins with a Lead card and will try to connect every symbol on that lead card to a Thread card. Once you do this you complete the card.
Connections are made by taking Thread cards or Proof Tokens on your turn from a single location. You move them into a combined pool of resources that will be available to you as you try and connect them all to your Lead. You can do this through Direct side-by-side connections and by Indirect connections linking other cards through each other to try and get the symbols to match.

The cards and tokens are fluid until you decide to complete a Reconstruction by having connections to every icon on the Thread card. Once you do this, score the bonuses on Direct connections and score the Lead in a pile. You will draw a new Lead and continue until a player has scored 9 points. This triggers the end of the game. The player with the most points wins!
Sherlock Case Connection is a different type of detective game from Lucky Duck Games. Most of their other titles really dive deep into the immersive worlds they make and add in layers of complexity with AR-driven app play. This game does not do any of that but what it offers instead is a quick puzzle game that focuses on players who like to see and make connections in their games.
The style and gameplay is simple to learn and takes a few plays to really start to get the rhythm down. I think you start to see the strategy of the game as you and your friends play more than a few times and start to learn how to pick cards and tokens before they can. It is a race to the finish line and the more strategic your picks become the easier you will get to there before others. There is a competitive piece that will have players going after each other.

I am sure that fans of the Sherlock series will love this one as it leans well into the TV show, giving you great shots of all the characters and scenes from the hit BBC show. It is bound to draw in even the non-gamers who want to see the good detective jump off their screen and into their games.
So if you are a big Sherlock fan and want to try a game that will drop you into the BBC show this one is for you. If you like quick to play, easy to learn competitive games with a puzzle edge to them, this could be for you as well. And if both check your box-then go check out Sherlock Case Connection from Lucky Duck Games.
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