Hello everyone and welcome to my list of the top 10 games of 2021! This list is made up of the games that I specifically (Isaac) have played and enjoyed that were realeased in 2021. Once again we have a different year than normal and there were a few games I would have loved to play but didn’t have a chance to try. My list is made up of the games I really liked and that made a big impression on me this year.
When I rank games for this list there are a few factors I like to take in to account to really decide on the place the game has for me. How much I enjoyed the game is of course the biggest determining factor but others things such as originality, replayability, art and design, rulebook and overall fun level come into play for me. The difficulty of a game is not a factor, there are difficult to medium to easy-entry games on my list. Each of these games I have played multiple times and I enjoyed all aspects of them with a variety of people.

One thing to note is that there are many games from 2021 that I unfortunately did not get a chance to try, many of which I am sure would have made a crack at my top ten. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it is my list and one I am happy to share with you. So here are my top 10 games of 2021 and winners of the coveted “Gaming with Sidekicks Top Shelf Game” award!

10. On The Rocks
Proving once again that there are new ideas still to be had in boardgaming we get a rondel/set collection/drafting game set in the world of competitive bartending as our next entry on the list. On The Rocks is exactly what you want in a bartending game-the drinks are colorful and fun choices with so many varieties to choose from. The marbles as ingredients is stellar and what really makes this game pop. Pentree Games knocked this one out of the park giving us a game that is thematic and wonderful all around. The art and design are so well done together that it is hard not to love this game. Michael and Christina did a tremendous job bringing this one to life. So pour yourself a drink and bring this game experience to the table with some good friends-you will not be disappointed with this one!

9. Gorinto
Let’s explore the world of abstract games again and take a look at one of my new modern favorites: Gorinto. This game is aesthetically pleasing with duplo-like blocks that you draw and stack to a middle board and gradually acquire to your personal tableau to score points towards the victory. The game is smooth and quick and ends in a solid 4 rounds of gameplay. I love a game that doesn’t overstay it’s time and has a set end to it giving players a chance to know what they are pushing towards. The variable scoring for the different tiles and end game goals keeps me coming back for more. Grand Gamers Guild once again delivers an awesome game top to bottom!

8. Cascadia
There are a couple of categories that when they come together in a board game, I am all in. Abstract Tile Game? Check. Animal Theme? Check. Beth Sobel Art? Double Check. Now give me all of those together and suddenly we have a formula for one of the best games of 2021. Cascadia is a super fun tile game and I love that there is a dual layer to building this. The tiles have to build the territories and the animals add another layer of the puzzle giving it a game that really challenges you to think ahead and plan out your placement. This is a thinky game that you can still have a conversation over which sits in such a great place for our family. If you enjoyed Calico, Azul, Sagrada or other similar titles this is a game that will be right up your alley!

7. Super Mega Lucky Box
Not all games need to be heavy, not all games need to be hours long to be enjoyable. Super Mega Lucky Box has lead to quite possibly some of the most fun game experiences I have had on the table this year. The game is simple-think Bingo and Ganz Clever smashed together. Match the numbers, make the chains and see the game fire off in many different ways as you combo to victory. It’s light but man is it a ton of fun. Everyone will get this game and everyone will enjoy it together at the table-anyone who plays it has walked away excited to try it. Super Mega Lucky Box is the group/fun game you need for your next family get together or event to make sure that a splendid time will be guaranteed for all!

6. Hadrian’s Wall
Roll and Write, Flip and Write-either way you slice it, these are games that have been a big part of the board game world in the last few years. Some titles have been forgettable, some have stuck around but almost all have been easy to follow and play and have fallen into an entry-level type of difficulty for players which isn’t a bad thing at all. But what if we took the medium to heavier level of games that a lot of you hobby gamers love and tried to put it into this format? Well look no further because here at this point of my list you find that very game in Hadrian’s Wall. The challenges on this game go much deeper than the flip and write seem to let on it will be. You need to work to manage resources, unlock other parts of your board and get those points headed in an upward direction. There is much to explore in this game that they even give you two boards to do all your work on! This is the challenging game you’ve been waiting for in the skin of a mechanic usually thought to be fairly easy-so don’t judge this book by it’s mechanics and instead give it a chance to impress you as well!

5. That Time You Killed Me
There are some really special games that take on the challenge of being a two-player only game. The back and forth, the balance between two players and the push and pull required must be particular and give both players a fun and engaging experience. That Time You Killed Me gives us that experience in one of the best two-player games I have played in a long time. Similar to the game Shobu your goal is to eliminate your opponent in a series of multiple boards-there are three here in fact that you exist on. Those boards are the past, present and future and as you move around things change on their other boards. Jump to the past and you leave a copy of yourself in the present. Do something in the present and something else amazing happens in the future in the same spot. This game is unique and creative and so much fun. The four separate boxes bring an idea of legacy as this experience builds a story but is still very replayable for many future games. I cannot stress how different and unique this one is-it will definitely have me coming back for more in 2022 and beyond in to the future!

4. Juicy Fruits
The chonky fruits are the star of this game but don’t let them fool you-there is a lot of game behind these amazing fruit pieces. I was drawn to this title by the aesthetics but it is really a fun game on the table and the slide mechanic is unique in its style and play. The way you collect the fruits to build up your island with better collectors, ice cream stands or other unique additions is my favorite part of this one. It plays so well with players of a variety of skill levels-from adults to kids this game is sure to be a hit. I love this each time we play it and especially like to introduce it to new players so they get a feel for this very colorful and unique game. It fits so well in the family like for Capstone and one that should be a hit for you and your family as well. Make sure you add a serving of this fruit to your gaming table soon!

3. Kohaku
There is something pristine and peaceful about a koi pond. The way nature ebbs and flows through the serine setting has been for many years a restful environment for many generations of people. Kohaku brings that experience to the table in such a fun and enjoyable way. The tiles in the original version are these wonderful dual layered acrylic pieces that make the game shine. The art is gorgeous, wonderful koi fish and other natural pieces that add to the grace this game has on the table. The mini expansion adds an extra layer to this game but don’t get me wrong-the base game shines just as it is. I really enjoy this game and look forward to playing it whenever we get it to the table with family and friends. It has the rare privilege of being a game my teenage daughter enjoys which is a feature that not a lot of games get to brag about! This game is such a fun experience and one you definitely need to experience.

2. Furnace
One of the most popular games in our house is Century Spice Road. There is something special about the rhythm of that game that I have no found in other titles until now. Furnace brings the best parts of the style of that game and somehow makes a game I like even more. The bidding mechanic is quick and smart at the front of each round and it leads so smoothly into the resource collection and management that the cards offer as your own little factory. Make the things, upgrade your cards, make more of the things, get the coins and win the game all tied up in a pretty little package that plays in only four rounds. This is a game that will have a permanent location on our shelf for years to come.

1. Destinies
There are truly few new innovations in boardgaming that come around anymore-it seems that almost everything has been done in some fashion or another at some time. But every now and then, something changes and it becomes revolutionary in the board game world. This year we saw something do just that in the game Destinies from Lucky Duck Games. Destinies takes what they were already doing well through Chronicles of Crime and takes it to a whole new level of gaming experience. There is something special about this game in that it is truly immersive in every way. The integration of app-based play adds sounds and ambiance to the game with background voices and auditory effects that really throw you head first into the game. And the way it build on to itself as you progressed was so good-this game is well deserving to take the #1 spot for me this year. I can’t wait to try expansions or other games in this world-it is really is a wonderful experience in so many ways. For those looking to be surprised by games, this is definitely the title you need to pick up for 2021.
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