The hunt is on! This hunt happens deep in the jungle where we will explore the depths of the land and see what adventure awaits. Today we will be picking up our dice and seeing what the future holds!
Lost Cities Roll and Write is published by Kosmos and designed by Reiner Knizia. It is illustrated by Bernd Wagenfeld. It plays 2-5 players at 20-30 mins.

In Lost Cities Roll and Write players take turns rolling dice and choosing results to score on their sheet. You will score points basked on how far along the expedition tracks you progress but be careful not to score too low in any column!

Lost Cities Roll and Write gives each player a player sheet to begin. There are six columns of different expeditions each with a color that corresponds to the six sides of the dice. There is also a column with artifacts and dice. Each column also has a spot to mark at the bottom to double the score.
In Lost Cities Roll and Write players take turns rolling the dice and then using the results. Out of the six dice rolled players will pick one number and one symbol die and leave the other four in the tray for other players. You then record the number and symbol combination on your board.
Numbers stack with a symbol from the bottom up and must be equal to or greater than the previous number placed. If you use an acceleration arrow space you move the number on your expedition up and go further up that track. If you cover an artifact you immediately shade the artifact box next on your game sheet.

Once you reach the top box of a column you can choose the die with a number equal to or higher than the top of the column and cross off that artifact space as well. If you refuse to use a die, shade a die symbol on the right side.
End of the game scoring is done with each column scoring the total at the space they are at. Some of the columns like the die column score points until you get to the top, then they are worth no points. Total up all of your points and the player with the most points wins.
Lost Cities Roll and Write is a solid addition into the roll and write format and I enjoyed the simplicity of this game. It is quick and easy to learn and quite possibly one of the easiest roll and writes I have ever played. The game is less than 15 to play making it an easy addition to any game night.

This game is probably one of the easier to learn in the format for new players. I would recommend this one for people looking for an easy entry game for non-gamers or those who want to find ways to learn the genre in a less threatening way. There are plenty of sheets of paper in the box and it is one that could easily be played remotely also as players could have their own score sheets and one person rolls the dice.
Overall if you are looking for a good game to introduce someone to the roll and write community of games, give Lost Cities Roll and Write a chance and see how it all “rolls” out on your next game night!
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