We are excited to share with you some of the new metal coins that will be available in season 6 of the Legendary Metal coins collection! These are being offered from our friends over at Drawlab Entertainment. You can check out the Kickstarter campaign directly at this link:
Legendary Metal Coins Season 6

Kickstarter campaign
Here are some pictures from the campaign featuring some pretty amazing new styles and details in the coins! I really like the 3D coins and how much they all pop off the table. We had a chance to handle them and they are all heavy-duty solid construction and coins that you will definitely want to get to your table! Speaking of which, let’s take a look at the different coins on my table!
These coins are going to be a great addition to almost any game you get to the table! I can’t wait to see what a full set will look like, I am excited especially to get my hands on these Forged Dragon coins you see below!

So what do you think? Which were your favorites? Take a look at the campaign for all the good things coming in the new season from Legendary Coins and add some serious bling to your table! Here is the link again for the current campaign:
Cool, thanks for the review!
For sure!