Tattoos are a big part of the culture we live in and present some of the most wonderful artistic displays for people to wear. Art and style is of course varied, but the customer is always right and shows of the tattoos that best fit their desires. Today we will look at the board game that takes the Tatoo Parlor into your living room as you compete to see who can sell them the best!
Tattoo Stories is a new party game from Games by Bicycle and designed by Eric Slauson. It plays 4-6 players in approximately 30 mins.

Tattoo Stories has players take turns playing a tattoo customer with design requests and all other players trying to draw and sell their creations to the customer.
Each player takes a dry erase marker and dry erase board to start. The tattoo card box is placed in the middle of the table and the first customer will draw 10 cards and decide which 5 cards they want to use to combine into their ultimate tattoo.

All of the tattoo artists players will now have 3 minutes to draw a tattoo using the 5 elements chosen by the customer. The artists now have the chance to ask the customer questions that will help bring a vision and design to their tattoo. for example, if the word was “Inspirational Quote” you may want to ask them what their favorite quote is, or if it was “Dinner”, what does the idea plate of food look like to them?
Once the drawing time has ended, each artist pitches their drawings one by one to the customer and “sells” it to them explaining why it is the ideal creation for them. Each of the 5 tattoo cards is awarded to a player one at a time to the one who the customer thought used that word the best or most creatively. So one customer may end up with none, one or even all of them in a round. When we played they seem to be distributed around the table.

The customer role rotates around the table clockwise and the game continues until every player has been the customer twice. The player with the most tattoo cards at the end wins the game!
Tattoo Stories is a fun little party game that fits in the family of games like Win, Lose or Draw and Telestrations-drawing is a component of the game but it isn’t decided based on who is the best artist at the table. Some artistic creativity is necessary here and something that definitely is a factor however the discussion around the table post-drawing time is where this game moves into more of a Dixit/Superfight type of game. This time is where players need to convince their fellow players that they have the best art on the table. For those that enjoy social interaction these aspect both shine.

Overall this game is a great choice for someone looking for a social game that smashes art and fun arguments around the table as everyone strives to one-up eachother in their talents and sales. With the right group of friends this game shines and really creates some fun moments and lots of laughs. Make sure to check this one out and add it to your stash of party games!
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