Wits and Wagers continues to be one of my go-to party/family games for bigger groups of people gathered at the table. There are a few different versions out there and I have been able to play them all. But what if there was another version with new ways to win the game? What if there is a way to go even bigger on your bets on the table? Well Northstar Games has answered that for us with their new release!

In Wits & Wagers It’s Vegas Baby! edition we get a new way to play from Dominic Crapuchettes and Northstar Games. This is a 5+ player game with the following components:
-Felt game mat
-Poker chips (cardboard)
-7 player boards
-7 markers
-2 betting coins for each player
-Question cards
Setup and Gameplay:
Each player starts with their two betting tokens and answer board/marker. The playmat is set up with spots blocked off as needed and each spot at the bottom of the mat gets $1-$7 coins based on the printed value. The game will take place over 7 rounds.

Game play is simple and takes place over 4 steps:
1-Ask a question to everyone in the group. Each player writes their best guess on the provided dry erase board and places them face down in the middle of the play area. This is done in secret-don’t worry about being correct, just take your best guess!
2-Sort the Guesses. Once everyone has guesses, the answers are sorted and put in to the middle of the board each taking up one spot. The order is based low to high in value.

3-Place Your Bets. Using the money you have and any you have gained you may place a bet on your guess or anyone else’s guess. You may also place a bet on just red or just black and the spot that says all bets placed are too high. Each player has at minimum their two $1 coins that they can never lose.
4-Pay the Winners. First the one closest gets the bonus at the bottom of the mat in money. Next you determine which answer is the correct one and pay out the players that picked that spot. Everyone else loses any extra money they bet.
Play continues for 7 rounds. The winner is the one with the most money at the end of the game!

What is different about this and regular Wits & Wagers?
Well, there are definitely some differences. The betting area is different in that it allows you to bet on multiple answers at once, basically picking all of the high or all of the low numbers. If you want to go conservative but still have a chance to double your money the option is there.
The rounds are set at 7 total, so you can see them progress easily with the bonus chips section. That bonus for getting the closest answer is a nice addition as well-it forces players to really make an effort at guessing the correct answer and not just giving silly answers. I also really like “All answers are too high” spot giving you incentive to go all out for that spot and score big as well.

Overall I really enjoy Wits and Wagers. It is one of my first go-to games to grab with larger groups, and the fact it plays well as teams as well as it does individuals is an added bonus. I have enjoyed the different versions I have had a chance to play and really find them all engaging. But this new version really steps it up another notch-it is a tighter game with a lot more of the suspense and fun that makes it shine. If you like Wits and Wagers than this is a great update to the classic that you can double down on!
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