The damsel in distress. The story is as old as time-you are the “helpless” Maiden locked away in a tower. What happens when the heroes who try to save you can’t get the job done? You grab your hairbrush. You arm yourself with a shoe, a mirror and whatever else you can find lying around. The time has come to save the Maiden-but this time, you are going to take matters in your own hands and save yourself.
Today we will be looking at the game that brings this to life in the palm of your hand: Maiden’s Quest.
Designed by Ken Shannon with Graphic Design by Brigette Indelicato and Art Direction by Hal Greenberg. Published by Wizkids. The game plays 1-2 players in 20 mins.
160 Cards
In this game you will encounter Obstacles and Captors who all have icons on them you need to defeat. You can choose to fight or run, an either win or lose and take damage.
To set-up gameplay, you use the numbers on the bottom left side of the crown and set aside the assigned numbers. During gameplay you encounter Obstacles and Captors who all have a series of icon requirements to defeat. Win and move on or lose and take some type of damage. If you run you will take less overall damage but keep in mind that once you lose all your health you are knocked out and placed back in your room, defeated.
Each card has aspects that allow it to have an effect done to it. This will be Upgrading or Downgrading and cards are altered once per an encounter either up or down. Every card has either a basic icon with no special abilities or when in your Fan the special icons have effects that will take place.
The Special icons will do something once in your Fan. Special icons will count towards defeating Obstacles as well.
Health and Damage Icons represent your interaction with Obstacles and will show your Defense or damage taken along with your overall life total.
One of the unique factors of this game is the ability to change gameplay from solo to co-op or even move it into a competitive game all within the same play. Each type of gameplay offers a different style:
-Solo lets you build up your deck, working on the long-term game
-Competitive is a tactics game, taking chances and seeing how you can lay off of each other
-Co-op is a mixture of the long game of deckbuilding with the tactics mixed into the gameplay
-Serendipity is a quick way to interact with another deck where two players combine and help each other for a short time of play
-Team-up, Skirmish and Team Games are all other options as well. There are a number of ways to add and change this game on the fly, giving you a truly unique experience
Maiden’s Quest brings a truly unique game into the palm of your hands. This game can be played in so many different ways and styles. The cards are multi-sided giving you so much information and gameplay packed into a deck of cards. Even how you hold the cards becomes a part of the game. For those looking for a quick solo or two player game give Maiden’s Quest a look today!