Origins 2018 has come and gone with so many more people attending this year than the last few-the numbers how that this convention continues to grow and become one of the flagship Cons not only in the US but the world. We are starting to see games premiere here, moving up the tradiational GenCon new release timeframe. As more people come and more games release here, we are seeing some really good titles and new games every year. Some of these games are brand new, and some are just new to me but either way I got to play and try a lot of new games this year.
Today I wanted to review with you my favorite games from Origins 2018 and what I think has some long-term potential. These games are my favorites that I either got to play, got to demo or saw played at the convention.
The Mind
This game is deceivingly simple but at the same time one of the bigger challenges I have faced. Keeping in the same “mind” as the other players can be an interesting challenge. It is portable which is a big plus for me as well. If you get a chance to play this, don’t pass on it!
While at Origins, watching it played it was an instant buy for me. The pieces look great and the gameplay keeps it simple while at the same time presenting many challenges for the players involved.
Drop It
Kosmos knocked it out of the park with this one. Simple to learn and play, this shape stacking game is my sleeper surprise hit of the Con and probably will become my most played game from this Con. Look for a review of this in the near future from us!
Century Eastern Wonders
Emerson returns with a second game in the Century story line. Unique in its own gameplay with the ability to mix it with Century Spice Road, Easter Wonders was the hit of the Con and gone very quickly from the stacks at Plan B
Ice Cool 1&2
Ice Cool is one of my son’s favorite games and about to be his first written review-the demo for Ice Cool 1 and 2 doubles the arena and makes the game even more fun to crash your penguins around into the boards and each other!
This collectible card game caught our attention with their welcoming display and booth, and once we got in we were hooked! Fun mechanics, great artwork and a unique style of play makes this CCG one we will be sinking some money and deckbuilding into!
The quickest thing gone from PlanB booth, Coinbra is an action selection game with dice rolling that allows you to maneuver the board and score points and achieve levels of progress throughout. Solid game and solid design throughout.
Eric Lang and Calliope games make a simple tile laying set collection game that celebrates family and lineage. Great artwork and a passion project for Eric as this was a game he made as per the request of his wife.
Thanos Rising
USAopoly has put together a great adventure through the Infinity War series with Thanos standing tall in the middle of the board. Beat villains, stop Thanos from his rise to power all while chucking some pretty cool dice.
So those were my favorites-which were yours?