Welcome back to our look at The Origins Game Fair and how to prepare for your trip to make it a fun and enjoyable experience. Today I want to take a look at what you need to do the day you get there to check in and get your Con going strong from the beginning!
Part 1: Origins: Preparing for your trip
Part 2:Â Origins: Do your homework
First and foremost, before anything else you must get to the convention and check yourself in. The registration area is located directly across from the convention halls, specifically the main hall and it is a long series of booths with a winding line for people to wait in. Here you will either on-site register or turn in your preregistration information sheet. If you preregistered you should have received an email that would have had all you registration info and a printable slip for you to print and bring to the Con, so make sure to have your barcoded sheets ready to go. If you did not, I would suggest you aim to be there at least one hour before the event you are participating in starts so you have time to check-in and be ready to go. The registration line isn’t insanely long most of the time, and the earlier you are the better luck you will have getting in and out of there. Keep in mind that Thursday morning is probably going to be the busiest at the registration area.
Also when you register, it can help to pick up some generic coins that can be used to play and participate in any open events. They are $2/each and you can always cash them back in before the end of the event if you don’t use them. Generics are often in a separate booth off to the side of the main registration area and can be acquired throughout the time of the Con.
Once checked in, I would recommend double checking your list of scheduled events and the times to make sure nothing has changed. All events are scheduled in specific areas, so make sure to check the location on your badge so you know exactly where you are going for the event itself. Not everything is right there in the convention center, some events occur in neighboring hotels connected to the convention center, so be sure to know what location you are attending and find it on the map!
Don’t forget to grab these THREE things at check-in!
Once you have your badge, your preregistered event slips, generics and any ribbons you may have purchased, you are almost ready to get started! There are three things you need to grab when you check in to the convention along with these items. They are the general information booklet, event catalog and the coupon book.
The general information booklet is your ticket to all things Origins. Here you will find maps, item lists, locations for events, details on programs and sponsors and most of the FAQs you will have regarding the con. As a first time attendee, this is a super important book to keep handy.
The event catalog is where all of the upcoming events for the entire duration of the con can be found. Here it will list the location, price, description and any other details you may need to know for all the events going on. This book tends to be thick and can be very helpful when you need a quick check of what to do drop into event-wise on the spot or in the near future on the event. I can’t say I use this too often, but it has been helpful at times when I needed to check on an event.
The coupon book is super important in this con to grab when you register. In this book you will find many retailers who are offering deals on purchases, discounts on certain games or combinations of games and freebies throughout the con. There are a few ways to take advantage here. Some people tear out only the coupons they know they will use and keep them on their person. Others will dog-ear the coupons they plan to use but keep the book handy for extras they may not have realized they needed. Whatever way you do it, don’t lose your book! It can be very difficult to obtain another copy of one. I have seen them run out well before the weekend hits.
One of the most helpful things you can do when you arrive at Origins for the first time is to explore the terrain, especially if you are unfamiliar with the Columbus convention center in general. You will want to look around and find where the big areas are and what matches up to where you need to be. There are events/games that occur outside of the normal larger arena that the main halls are and you want to know where those areas are so if time is tight between events you will have the amount of time you need to get from point A to point B.
Also important-figure out where the restrooms, water fountains, food stands and other needs are close by. Take a look around for the marked exits in case of an emergency. Knowing where all these things are now will make the experience easier for you especially if you are traveling with kiddos.
Now go enjoy the Con! Check out the great vendors, the publishers, the food (we will get to that in a min) and have a blast enjoying the Convention. The rest of it from here is up to you-there are loads of great choices and ways for you to spend your time. If you see something you want to do and can’t, make a mental note to try it next year maybe. The options and experiences are sure to be an awesome time!
Don’t forget the FOOD!
Food is essential, and if you don’t find the right places to eat you won’t have the energy to play all the games! Some of the best recommendations in the area around the Convention Center include:
Barley’s-This Bar and restaurant has some amazing food-don’t forget to try the perogies before you leave! Bonus with this restaurant: There is a coupon in the Origins coupon book that gives you a free glass with the theme from one of this year’s companies. The last few years have been D&D themes.
The North Market-located just a few blocks away from the Con, this market features over 30 different food stands. You can get chicken, pizza, sushi, BBQ, donuts, ice cream, bubble tea and everything in-between here! Get there early, it fills super quick and especially on the weekends.
The Convention Center Food Court-located under the main con halls, there are a variety of quick and easy food options down there if you just want something between a game or two. I recommend the Chinese place-hot food and good quality.
Big Bar on 2-Located at the Hyatt connected to the Hall feels like an extension of the Con itself. Quick food but a great place to hang out especially in the evening.
Dirty Franks Hot Dog Palace-A unique offering of hot dogs loads to the gills-this is a must-check out place for a quick bite to fill your belly.
A Final Note
Ultimately, you are here for the things we live for: playing games you like with people you love. Meet some new friends. Talk to strangers. Play games with people you don’t know. Learn a new game or three. And make some memories. These conventions are the highlight of the gaming experience for me and I look forward to getting to be there once again this year. I hope to see some of you there!